Sunday, July 27, 2008

Life as we know it

So, I had a dream the other wasn't as cool as Britta's Ninja Theatre dream, but, you know, I have nothing else to write about.

So, a little background. My 'best friend since second grade' back home, Wendy, is training for the Olympics in cross country skiing (2010). She's pretty dang serious about it, too. She's at this boarding school that's all like, "We'll train you" and stuff.

Well, in my dream, apparently it was 2010 and Wendy made it. So, I began my trek to Canada so I could watch. As I was walking, this kid (who I apparently knew) runs up and starts trying to shoot me. I was like, "What the weird!" and ran. I go to hide at my home (Ha, he'll never find me there!)

Well, I guess I got tired of the Olympic idea because I went to school the next day. I was wearing that new Lolita-ish dress I had a tailor make for me a while ago in real life.(but it didn't quite turn out how I had hoped...) I was with this guy who was apparently my best friend when that gun guy shows up again! But this time he has a tazer gun. He tazers my friend who's all like, "Run!" and I turn around and tear up these stairs at high speed.

But the guy's still after me. This was a really scary scene. The guy was all, like, faster than me. So, he catches up and grabs me and whispers in a menacing voice, "Aw, what's wrong Amber? SCARED?" and he pushes me up a few steps so I keep running. He catches up and grabs me again and rips the back of my dress so the tazers would hit skin rather than cloth and he's like, "Don't like to be manhandled?!" and pushes me again. Then, I get away and I run out of the building and into this big open field. I keep running and he chases me. Then I jump into this river and try to swim accross really fast. When I get to the other side, he's already there, but he doesn't know that I am. He looks confused and is looking the other way like he lost me. So, I try to sneak really quietly back into the river but he hears me splash and looks at me. Then I woke up.

Soooo, apparently if Wendy goes to the Olympics, I'm going to be attacked by some crazy kid with a tazer gun on my trek to Canada.

Kay, so I FINALLY watched the Avatar fanale today (don't even make me describe how hard it was to get it). Eh-pic. Everything was like, "FWOOOSH!" and "WOOOAH!" and the fights were like "SWEESH!" and the jokes were all like, "HAAAA". Everything was so awesome it deserves to be capatalized.

Hm...what else? Oh, well, I've decided to draft this girl named Phoebe Lewis into our group. See, she's moving here and she's in theatre. I sent her a message on Facebook and she replied and she seems nice enough. Let's just hope she's not actually any good at theatre. My chances already seem to be whithering without a new threat. Unfortunatley for me, she has some pretty theatrical pictures on her Facebook. She looks experianced -_-'

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