Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yeah, it's a blog.

So, my sister has finally forced helped me get a blog. Now, as I'm sure most of you know, I fail at keeping stuff like this up. So, we'll see how it goes. seem to be dismally short on witty things to say. Well, I guess I could tell you about my life in case you're one of those creepy people who don't even know me but are reading my blog anyway! (I'll add pictures later...if I feel like it)

I'm the youngest of four children. My oldest sister, Lindsay (who happens to be the one to set this blog up in my honor) lives in North Carolina with her husband, Brian, and their two cute-as-a-button kids McKenzie and Carson (though, I've never understood that saying, cute-as-a-button. Since when are buttons cute?)

My second oldest sister, Michelle, lives in Utah and is graduating from college. It took her a while to graduate because she got distracted by her career goal of becoming a synchronized swimmer. But that didn't work out so well. So, now she's going to teach theatre to high school kids.

My brother, Brian (a more different Brian) is in Germany serving a mission! You all wish you were as cool as him (I say you because, obviously, I'm even cooler. I've even been described as 'awesome-tastic')

My dad is the Mission President of the Thailand Bangkok Mission. So, my parents and I live in Bangkok.

Um...Oh, me! I should tell you about me!

My interests include music, theatre, being awesome, video games, Anime, teh interwebz, and ice cream. I imagine that's pretty much what I'm going to be talking about here.

So...yeah. That pretty much wraps it up.

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